
She is ready to release the Judgement.
She is ready to own who she is, Unapologetically.
She is ready to let go of any Shame that once held her back.

She is ready to step into pure Freedom.

She is you.

Do you struggle with fear of judgement when it comes to voicing your sexual desires?

Do you feel uncomfortable in your body wishing it looked or moved differently?

Do you want to tap into your Feminine energy but don’t know where to start?

If you answered YES to any of those…

Sister, you are in the right place.
You’ve found what your soul has been searching for.

The Divine Feminine Rising Online Experience will support you on your journey from releasing Shame & stepping Fearlessly into feeling FREE!

Imagine how it will feel to have zero guilt or shame when it comes to your Sexuality.

To feel sexy, confident and own who you are, fearlessly!

Imagine how it will feel to be fully in the moment without worry about how others are perceiving you, because you are fully free and love who you are.

Imagine how it will feel to have fully let go of past “sexual mistakes” or traumas and to feel so safe in your own skin and life?

Imagine how it will feel to effectively manifest your desires because you’ve learned how to receive and release any guilt or unworthiness that was once blocking it.

The Divine Feminine Rising is going to help you embody all of that, and more.  

So you can be fully open, alive and feeling connected to your Sexuality.

The Journey

6 Video Lessons

Juicy, in-depth yet easy-to-consume Video trainings that guide you through it all.

Workbooks to Accompany Video Lessons

Anchor in all that you learned on the Video lessons & watch how you easily release what once held you back.

Group Coaching Library Access

Have full access to group coaching call replays specifically for students in the Divine Feminine Rising.

Interactive Sisterhood Community

This is where you will get to meet women who are on the same path as you, who see you, get you and want to grow with you.

Feel Good Morning Routine

Release the "second guessing" and receive a curated just-for-you morning routine that will allow you to tap into your Divine Essence.

Guided Embodiment Practices

These Activations will have you feeling sexy, alive and ready to thrive!

Secret Sexy Playlist

Curated just for you and your sisters to move, dance and get sexy to!

6 Guided Meditations

Get grounded, feel safe and tap into the frequency of Ease and Receiving with these Meditations.

The Method

Here is your Sign:

You know you’re ready to join The Divine Feminine Rising: Liberate Your Sexual Truth when….

  • You are so tired of carrying around the shame that keeps you from fully being you.
  • You are ready to release the fear of judgement that keeps you playing small.
  • You are ready to start loving your body & the Goddess that you are!
  • You are ready to make life easy, be open to receive Abundance and end the hustle game.
  • You want to feel sexy, alive and free to express your sexuality fearlessly.

This is for you if you’re ready to be truly FREE, both inside and out.

Creating an Orgasmic Life begins here.

It starts with you saying yes to yourself.

It's time to feel

true Freedom!

Sister, the freedom you desire to be fully yourself, begins here.

What do you have to lose if you pass up on this opportunity?

Well, staying exactly where you are.
And if you’re reading this, you are SOul ready to make a shift…


Then you know what you *get* to do.  

It’s time to Rise into that Divine Feminine Goddess that is begging to shine from within, and Liberate your Sexual Truth.

Now, more than ever before, women just like you are feeling the pull to start doing this type of work.

To begin healing from the past, forgiving ourselves for decisions we made that we still have shame around, releasing what no longer serves them so they can fully step into their Divine Essense.

Women, just like you, around the world are reading this and feeling that Soul Calling to say yes to this next chapter of their life.

To Liberate themselves.
So they can shine.

There’s no coincidence you’re on this page.
You are meant for this.
You are ready for this.

HowIt Works

🌑 Once you invest in yourself below, you will receive an email immediately with your private log-in information for the Member’s Only Portal

🌒 Once you log in you’ll find the Welcome Video + all of the other magic to dive into

🌓 You will get access to our Member’s Only Group so you can connect with your new sisters

🌔 Bathe in the video lessons, workbooks, juicy playlists, meditations + more

Investment in Yourself

$ $2222 Once
  • Lifetime Access
  • Embodiment and Meditation Practices
  • Interactive Community

For the next 72 hours, get both Divine Feminine Rising AND Becoming WealthyAF for only $2233!
Use discount code 33OFF at checkout to receive this amazing bonus!

Imagine how it will feel to say YES to yourself!

The moment you make this investment into yourself, you will feel an immediate release of heavy energy and quite literally tap into a higher frequency.

The Frequency of Abundance, Joy & Pleasure.

So be ready to feel a whole lot Lighter & Freer even before we begin!

It’s time to do this for yourself.

This is a safe container to be you. 
To be seen and to be heard.

You are worthy of it.