

The Embodied
Woman Podcast :

Embracing Your Inner Fire

How Playing in the Worlds of Kink and BDSM Can Be Done in a Conscious Way With Kimi Inch

How Playing in the Worlds of Kink and BDSM Can Be Done in a Conscious Way With Kimi Inch

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Welcome to The Embodied Woman Podcast. Today, I am bringing you a super delicious conversation with Kimi Inch.

In this episode, Kimi shares a different perspective on the kink world, a perspective of consciousness, healing, and empowerment.

In this episode you will hear:

– The journey that led her to be a professional dominatrix

– What is a dominatrix and what her role is with her clients

– Understanding the different roles in the kink world and the power dynamics that play together

– Ways to start opening the conversation around kink exploration with your partner

– The pleasure, beauty, and creativity that comes into with kink play

– Why society has shamed and slandered kinks

– How to step into your power when you start exploring kinks

– Ways that a couple can shift into this lifestyle consistently

– What are Kimi’s kink play parties and who are they for

– The difference between conscious kinks vs unconscious kinks

– Some common shifts that happen within people before and after going into a conscious kink play party

– How sexual healing and doing this type of work opens you up to receive full abundance

– The sensuality of taking your rage and transmuting it into pleasure

Do me a huge favor and screenshot this episode, share it on your Instagram, and tag me @iamtaylorsimpson and the podcast @embodiedwomanpodcast

Connect with Kimi:

@kimiinch | www.ErosAndKink.com | www.kimiinch.com

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