

The Embodied
Woman Podcast :

Embracing Your Inner Fire

How “Trust” Guided Me Through 2022

How “Trust” Guided Me Through 2022

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Welcome to The Embodied Woman Podcast!  Today I am sharing with you my 2022 journey and the most intense initiation I’ve had to go through.

In this episode, you will learn the beauty that comes with trust, why it’s so crucial, and how to apply it to your life.

I invite you to join me on this journey with an open heart as you hear this message of learning to lean into trust even when you’re going through a difficult time of initiation, growth, and s***s.

In this episode you will hear:

– Why a new calendar year isn’t a restart for me and how I welcome the New Year

– What happens when you learn to trust the process even through trauma and hard lessons

– What happens when you try to bypass or skip the opportunities to grow

– Seeing the beauty in the growth and trusting that it gets to get better

– How I had the biggest financial year in 2022 even though the growth

– Learning to trust yourself to shift out of the money lack and scarcity loop

–  How to not allow the initiation to affect you doing the work or affect your income

Do me a huge favor and screenshot this episode, share it on your Instagram, and tag me @iamtaylorsimpson and the podcast @embodiedwomanpodcast

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